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Thursday 30 August 2012


Fortune 500 Exec watched his prostate cancer disappear in 120 days!

A Fortune 500 executive, let's call him "Frank", was diagnosed with a prostate tumor. He was considering radiation and surgery until he heard how these conventional treatments could leave him incontinent and impotent.
Instead, Frank used his connections to find Dr. Harvey Kaltsas, an alternative doctor, who recommended he begin taking this tropical fruit extract at home.
It was Dr. Kaltsas who told me how Frank took the extract daily, along with four other immune boosters you'll read about in Natural Cancer Remedies that Work. When 120 days had passed, Frank went to see his urologist for another biopsy.

The urologist couldn't believe it—the prostate tumor had disappeared!

Not believing the results, the urologist performed a second test, a sonogram so he could see the entire prostate. The results confirmed it—Frank's prostate was completely free of tumors!

And tests show this tropical fruit extract is totally safe

Decades of clinical use—and two thousand years of historical use— reveal this tropical fruit extract is without side effects or dangerous risks. What's more, capsules of this tropical fruit extract (or the actual juice) are widely available for under $50.
You'll get everything you need to know in my special report Natural Cancer Remedies that Work.
These natural cancer remedies I'm telling you about have saved countless lives, but if you tell most conventional doctors about it they'll call it quackery! And they label alternative doctors like Dr. Kaltsas charlatans!
If that's not bad enough, many go so far as to explain the surprising recoveries of Frank, Mark and Irma as "spontaneous" remissions (cures).

Spontaneous remission? My foot!

Natural cancer remedies have been curing cancers for thousands of years. Long before the Polynesians discovered that tropical fruit extract, other plants and nutrients were used by the legendary "Father of Medicine."
I'm talking about Hippocrates who lived in Ancient Greece in 440 B.C. He once famously said "Let thy food be thy medicine." And he's probably rolling over in his grave at the mere thought of the barbaric cancer treatments medicine is inflicting on cancer sufferers today!
Burning, cutting, poisoning —why go through torture? Especially when Hippocrates was right, food may be all you need to cure cancer...

What four out of five "spontaneous" remissions have in common!

In one study of cancer patients who experienced spontaneous remission, more than four out of five had changed their diet! 87 percent of them, to be exact. (And 65 percent of them took nutritional supplements!)

You can "eat" cancer right out of your body

And in my special report Natural Cancer Remedies that Work you'll get an entire chapter devoted to a famous diet plan that's saved thousands of lives over the last 70 years, as reported by many witnesses.
You'll discover how the program worked for Gerald, who was 54 when his doctor told him he had a malignant melanoma – the most serious type of skin cancer. Within ten days after the diagnosis, the disease had spread to 20 or 30 spots on his chest and back. Doctors told him his case was basically hopeless.

A year after starting the special diet, Gerald was cancer-free

Fourteen years after his diagnosis he was still alive, with no sign of a return of the melanoma. He credited this diet with saving his life.
That's right, by using little more than food from your own kitchen you can send cancers of all stages into remission—even terminal cancers!
The alternative M.D. credited with discovering this diet in the 1940's claimed an incredible 30 percent rate of remission in his terminal cancer patients. These were "hopeless" cancer patients who didn't respond to chemo, radiation or surgery. They were left in hospitals to die!
Yet, 30 percent of them went home and went into complete remission by simply changing their diet!

While early stage cancers are being nixed at rates of up to 90 percent!

You'll read all about this remarkable diet in Natural Cancer Remedies that Work. It's well-known to "cancer activists" and doctors who use alternative treatments. But few Americans outside this small circle know anything about it. Yet it's a famous approach and nearly every successful cancer treatment program makes use of this dietary breakthrough in one form or another.
And when I say "successful" cancer treatment programs I mean the non-conventional ones, because those are the ones that work.
If you start the diet when your cancer is in the early stages, you'll dramatically increase your chances of beating the disease. A whopping 90 percent of cancer patients who try this diet in early stage cancers make a full recovery—90 percent!
What's more, many cancer patients feel wonderful after they start eating this way. Many survivors told me how they experienced less joint pain, fatigue, and digestive problems, so much so that they still follow the diet even though their cancer went into remission years ago!
 I hope you're starting to see how easily you can safely cure your own cancer and keep it from coming back again. There are hundreds more stories just like this of cancer patients using these natural remedies to cure their own cancers. Even conventional doctors...

Early detection is essential – and now it's simple!

Tragically, too many patients try alternative medicine only in the late stages of their illness – after their immune systems have been shattered by radiation and chemotherapy. "All of these [chemotherapy] drugs have one thing in common," writes Ralph W. Moss, Ph.D., "they are poisonous. They work because they're poisons."
And it's unnecessary. All that horrible suffering and expense could be avoided.
Earlier, I told you about the mushroom extract that shrank Allen's "hopeless" liver tumor by 90 percent. The key is to use these affordable natural treatments that build your immune system -- like the ones in this report...
...and do it EARLY, BEFORE you resort.CLICK HERE


Before I tell you anything about this book, take a moment to read through what other people have experienced with the Ezra protocol and how they used it to regain their lives from the living hell of fatty liver. These testimonials are completely unsolicited and used with the written consent of the people mentioned. It is just a couple of testimonials from over 300 we have in our database.

I hope some day you will be able to come back and share how you regained your health with the Ezra protocol.
"I Lost 52.8 pounds in 4 months. I defeated fatty liver and initial liver cirrhosis..." 

Andy"...I was trying to loose weight for years, for decades even, as long as I can remember. I was blaming myself because I was failing over and over again, year in year out. It was in shock when I learned that my liver was robbing me of my results while I was dying to succeed. I was so scarred to learn that I was basically doomed because of my liver fibrosis that progressed so far that my liver was filled with fat, fibrotic and and already failing.

I was so scared and in panic. I found out about your ebook and the Ezra protocol on a public forum and I recognized myself in your every word. I got your ebook 6 months ago and I will let my pictures speak about what happened after..."
Andy Gibbons, Keels,Canada.

Arzu"Where I live, the doctors know very little about this disease that made a living hell of my life and stole years from my life. they just offer general advice and show no true understanding of what I am going through. You should just see their shocked faces when I was telling them how I was beating this thing they were powerless with. It was priceless.
I thank God every day I stumbled upon your website while researching about my disease. I can't even think about what would have happened to me if you have not taught me how to defeat my fatty liver. You gave me back my life. I am eternally grateful."
Arzu Yilmaz, Marmaris, Turkey

You Will Have To Make Sure That You Are Getting Just Exact Amounts Of Around 30 Substances, Vitamins Or Minerals.

It is then and only then - in this balance that the healing happens. I have learned this the hard way. So you would need to plan your meals in such a way that you keep track of the following things:

*Bear in mind that these guidelines would be "pushed a little left or right" based on your needs when you give me your personal data:
I will make your daily plans for 6 months with exactly what, when and how much to eat
I do this by taking into account what you told me about yourself
CRUCIAL : I calculate the nutritional and chemical value of every single of your meals to make it optimal for healing. REMEMBER, IF YOU WANT TO DO THIS RIGHT AND ACHIEVE YOUR GOALS YOU WOULD HAVE TO DO IT YOURSELF. Just a bit further down the page I will tell you exactly everything that you would need to calculate and I will be doing it instead.
I make a special mini Cookbook just for you based on what you told me you like to eat. I will be naming it after You :) ...Jane's Fatty Liver Cookbook, Bob's Fatty Liver Cookbook...and so on, you catch my drift...
When making this mini Cookbook that is just for you, I contacted my co-author of the Cookbook Jamie Ward and ask her to help me with recipes using the ingredients you like, because I am a nutritionist, but I am not a chef.
I will incorporate everything to meet your specific needs and wants into the healing plan.
Sounds complicated, but it will be just for me, by the time it reaches you it is nothing more then an excel table with an exact list of things you need to eat, when and how much in grams.
The plan for the day also contains:
* how much fat have you lost based on the food log
how much of which nutrient have you taken (I am talking about over 30 nutrients - see daily food log )


You Can't Afford To Miss This E-book!

Cure Diabetes NaturallyThink about all the money you have spent on doctor visits, co-payments, prescriptions, and out-of-pocket expenses. For a fraction of that cost you can download "Cure Diabetes Naturally" by Dr. Jacob Swilling and begin to immediately take control of your diabetes. For a one-time price of $47.00 you can obtain life-saving information that you can use for the rest of your life.Your life and that of your family and loved ones depend on this book.Remember ,all those candies, chocolates,ice cream ,burgers bring about diabetes.
If you're interested in preventing and curing diabetes without pharmaceuticals and expensive treatments then now is the time to act.
And while many books on the market are available only in hard-copy form, requiring paper, printing and shipping, we are providing you "Cure Diabetes Naturally" as an E-book.
No waiting for delivery and we pass along the savings to you. Download it instantly.
This program gives you the lifesaving information you need to take charge of your health and reverse Diabetes WITHOUT harmful drugs. This information is strongly supported by many researchers and world-class doctors around the world.
Controlling blood sugar levels is not as hard as it seems if you give your body what it needs and remove the chemicals that block your recovery.In this book,you will discover more ,and take control of your life.the following are what you will learn in this eBook :
  • Rid your body of toxins! The simple treatment described on page 91 rids the body of toxins, heavy metals, plaque and metabolic wastes from the blood stream, improves overall circulatory functioning and lessens free radical damage.
  • Diabetics are loaded with toxic waste! So every effort should be made to remove chemical toxicity and infection. Both are often located in dangerous concentration in this part the body (see page 48).
  • Detox your liver. These household 4 nutrients detoxify the liver allowing it to heal and restore energy production! Seepage 31.

Reversing Diabetes is quite straightforward when you focus on the root cause of the disease. The only reason people can't manage Diabetes is because: 1) they don't know the information contained in this E-book, and 2) they are constantly reminded by western medicine that drugs are the only solution.CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE

Wednesday 29 August 2012


Paying the Price: Ending the Great Recession and Beginning a New American CenturyOnly a few years ago, the U.S. financial system and economy were near collapse. The financial chaos inflicted catastrophic damage: double-digit unemployment; crashing house and stock prices; federal budget deficits in the trillions, and a wider gap between the country's haves and have-nots. Today many Americans still feel shell-shocked. But while there remains much to be nervous and frustrated about, it is impressive how much progress has been made in righting the wrongs that got us into this mess. This dramatic turn in the economy's fortunes occurred because of what government did to stem the financial panic and combat the effects of Great Recession.In this book ,you will see how the US paid the price for the recession. Policymakers' unprecedented actions – from Congress' auto and bank bailouts and fiscal stimulus, to the Federal Reserve's zero interest rates and quantitative easing–remain intensely controversial, but ultimately they will be judged a success. Serious problems remain, including the government's mounting debt load and a burgeoning number of disenfranchised workers, but we are on our way to addressing them. Our economic future has arguably never been brighter.I recommend this this book to Economists,Accountants,students and the reading public.


Be Money Smart: A Practical Guide for Starting Out, Starting Over and Staying on Track
In Be Money Smart, personal finance expert and media star Farnoosh Torabi shows readers how to develop the mindset, discipline, and attitude needed to build a strong financial foundation no matter what stage of life you are in. Whether you're starting out or starting over, you can grow wealth and make smart money choices that will bring financial security and well-being.

Farnoosh Torabi shows readers how to build a healthy view of money, investing, wealth, and aspirations… how to map out a plan that matches their needs and goals… and put that plan into action!

Torabi shows how to stop agonizing and start organizing… become your own biggest "money advocate"… assert yourself to stop getting ripped off by financial institutions… make your money count… build momentum… embrace an entrepreneurial spirit… get where you want to go!

Instructors:  Supplemental resources including an Instructor's Discussion Guide and PowerPoint are available for registered faculty.

As seen on the NBC TODAY Show, Live! With Regis and Kelly, MSNBC Dayside with Chris Jansing, and in US News and World Report and the Chicago Tribune.  


College Solution, The: A Guide for Everyone Looking for the Right School at the Right Price, 2nd EditionThis bestseller has been completely updated to provide you with the answers that you need to find wonderful colleges and universities at more affordable prices. The second edition of The College Solution, which contains approximately 90% new material, is aimed at helping parents and teenagers become empowered consumers as they navigate through the college process. Billions of dollars are available to pay for college, but not everybody gets their share. It's not always the families with the brightest students or the parents who are struggling financially who receive the most money. The College Solution shares the secrets of how you can capture some of this money for your own family. The book provides advice on such topics as financial aid, merit scholarships, athletic scholarships, admission hooks, the important differences between colleges and universities, college rankings, the best student loans and the latest online tools to evaluate the generosity of schools. O’Shaughnessy presents an easy-to-use, proven road map for getting past the ratings, and finding the right schools at the right price. No other book offers this much practical guidance on choosing and paying for college now – and no other book will save you as much money!



Saving for Retirement (Without Living Like a Pauper or Winning the Lottery) Updated and Revised
Saving for Retirement will relieve confusion and barriers to action for Americans who are increasingly worried about retirement.  The book removes everything from the readers’ path that typically trips people up and hits the sweet spot for everyone aged 18 to 60. Using new figures (including troubling new projections of healthcare and long-term care costs), Gail Mark Jarvis helps readers calculate exactly how much money they’ll need and how to get there. This book presents easy, proven investing strategies for anyone at any age that will transform pocket change into hundreds of thousands of dollars. Packed with readers’ personal stories, this book teaches powerful professional financial planning principles — but makes them simple enough for anyone to apply on their own.
Let me assure you; if you doubt your capability to invest wisely, you are not alone. In a Harris poll of people who were investing in stocks, bonds, and mutual funds, only 2 percent said they felt like they knew everything they needed to know to make their investment decisions. Eighty-two percent wished their financial advisers would do more to educate them so they could make better investments.
If you were investing in a 401(k) or IRA at the beginning of 2000, you are probably still wondering where half of your hard-earned money went then, what you did wrong, and how to fix it so that it never happens again. If you regained most of your money after that miserable period and then got slapped again by the 2008 financial crisis, you might be wondering whether investing is a losers’ game that you can’t possibly win. The bruising blows of two of the worst stock market crashes in history probably eroded what little confidence you had.
This book removes the confusion and helps you put your good intentions into action that works. Saving merely $20 to $50 a week now can rather easily set you up for a $1 million retirement if you start when you’re young, understand my simple lessons on the stock market and mutual funds, and use retirement accounts that give your money the best boost possible.
I don’t thrust theory and tips at you and send you away to struggle with this later. I tell you where to go to get the best investment deals and how to buy what you need to buy. I provide models that you can easily copy. In this book, you learn why you are doing what I’m telling you to do. That will give you the confidence to proceed through life even when the stock market seems scary. Anyone who has graduated from high school has the innate ability to grasp and do what I suggest.


After suffering from chronically for 10 years and having tried medication and been to hundreds of counseling sessions I came across this website and products. I couldn't believe that for such a small outlay I received so much quality information. It was by far the best and most inexpensive 'counseling session' I have ever undertaken. I never understood my situation with this much clarity until I watched the videos and did the depression help sheets. I have stopped avoiding things and taken on board much of the advice and lifestyle changes recommended and I feel much better for it. My happiness and vitality has finally returned after all these years. Of course this product didn't magically fix every problem in my life but still I'm so glad I found it and took a small chance to purchase it. I also look forward to my weekly ongoing videos. Thank you Matt for putting together such a helpful website I'm so appreciative.
I was really embarrassed about what I was going through and didn't want to talk about it with anyone. I'm so glad that I gave this site a try. I learned more in a few hours of going through the videos and help sheets than I learned in 5 years of my own 'groping around in the dark'. I'm feeling so much better and now know exactly what to do if I ever feel myself going downhill again. Because I now understand this condition, I'm not as scared of it anymore.
Depression traps you by:
  • Causing you to try to force yourself to feel good when you do not.
  • Causing you to start avoiding things that are important.
  • Causing you to begin believing in negative thoughts.
Are you suffering from any or all of the following?
  • Sadness or Crying for no obvious reason?
  • Consistently low mood?
  • Persistent Moodiness, anger or irritability that is out of character?
  • Feelings of Anxiety?
  • Pain in the body?
  • A loss of interest in normally pleasurable activities? (i.e. eating, sex, exercise)
  • A significant loss of motivation?
  • Avoidance of physical movement or exercise?
  • Chronic tiredness and wanting to sleep all the time?
  • Avoidance of emotionally charged situations in case it makes you 'feel bad'?
  • A sense of pessimism or a feeling that things won't improve?
  • Trouble sleeping?
  • Avoidance of relationships/friendships?
  • Avoidance of breaking up from an unsatisfying relationship?
  • Comfort eating and significant weight gain?
  • A feeling of low self esteem/loss of confidence?
  • Persistent/Frustrating negative thought patterns/emotions that you feel are holding you back?


FT Press With the working world in turmoil and hundreds of thousands of people experiencing the reality of redundancy for the first time, this book shows how anyone can stay one step ahead and become brilliant at what they do. These are real secrets. Pearls of wisdom learned through years of experience in some of the most competitive companies around. They are the secrets that seriously successful people use to get ahead, even when times are tough. Here are ten core principles that you can use to be the very best at what you do. They're shameless crutches on which to leverage your talent, powerful ways to develop a reputation for excellence and winning strategies that will help ensure your survival in any economic climate.
1. The Way You Think Matter A Whole Lot.
Always be positive. Think Success, not Failure. Beware of a negative environment.
This trait has to be one of the most important in the entire list. Your belief that you can accomplish your goals has to be unwavering. The moment you say to yourself “I can’t…”, then you won’t. I was always given the advice “never say I can’t” and I’d like to strike those words from the dictionary.
I’ve found that from time-to-time my attitude waivers. A mentor of mine once said “it’s ok to visit pity city, but you can’t stay and there comes a time when you need to leave”. Positive things happen to positive people.

2. Decide upon Your True Dreams and Goals: Write down your specific goals and develop a plan to reach them.
Write down my dreams and goals? Develop a plan to reach them? You mean like a project plan? Yes, that’s exactly what this means. You may have heard the old adage: A New Years resolution that isn’t written down is just a dream, and dreams are not goals.
Goals are those concrete, measurable stepping stones of achievement that track your progress towards your dreams. My goal is to start a second career as a freelance writer – what are your goals?   

3. Take Action. Goals are nothing without action.
Be like Nike and “Just do it”. I took action by reaching out and started writing. Every day I try to take some action towards my goals. It may be small, but it’s still an action. Have you taken action towards your goals?

4. Never Stop Learning: Go back to school or read books. Get training & acquire skills.
Becoming a life long learner would benefit us all and is something we should instill in our kids. It’s funny that once you’re out of school you realize how enjoyable learning can be. What have you learned today?

5. Be Persistent and Work Hard: Success is a marathon, not a sprint. Never give up.
I think every story of success I read entails long hard hours of work. There is no getting around this and there is no free lunch. But, if you’re working towards something that you’re passionate about, something you love – then is it really work?

6. Learn to Analyze Details: Get all the facts, all the input. Learn from your mistakes.
I think you have to strike a balance between getting all the facts and making a decision with incomplete data – both are traits of successful people. Spend time gathering details, but don’t catch ‘analysis paralysis’.

7. Focus Your Time And Money: Don’t let other people or things distract you.
Remain laser focused on your goals and surround yourself with positive people that believe in you. Don’t be distracted by the naysayer’s or tasks that are not helping you achieve your goals.

8. Don’t Be Afraid To Innovate: Be different. Following the herd is a sure way to mediocrity.
Follow through on that break-out idea you have. Ask yourself “What would I do if I wasn’t afraid?”

9. Deal And Communicate With People Effectively: No person is an island. Learn to understand and motivate others.
Successful people develop and nurture a network and they only do that by treating people openly, fairly and many times firmly. There is nothing wrong about being firm – just don’t cross the a-hole line. How do you deal with people?
10. Be Honest And Dependable: Take responsibility and be honest with people you meet .This will help people see you as a reliable person.
Readers who buy our books will learn how to:
  • Market themselves
  • Get along with their bosses and colleagues alike
  • Be a positive force for optimism and forward thinking
  • Get more done, in less time
  • Set their priorities and manage their time so they're never caught off-guard
 Secrets of Success at Work, The: 10 Steps to Accelerating Your Career
  • visit our online bookstore at ft press


Procrastination is an unforgiving enemy that can take a huge toll on your life. It doesn't care if you don't succeed, it doesn't care if you give in to its power, and it doesn't care if you throw in the towel and continually say to yourself "I'm just lazy."
Procrastination Pro
Only you are responsible for where you are today. And only you have the power to change the course of your future.
So developing the skills necessary to achieve what you truly want in your life is literally priceless.
I mean it.
But let's look at the more realistic alternatives you have in tackling your procrastination problem.
  1. Change your environment. Different environments have different impact on our productivity. Look at your work desk and your room. Do they make you want to work or do they make you want to snuggle and sleep? If it’s the latter, you should look into changing your workspace. One thing to note is that an environment that makes us feel inspired before may lose its effect after a period of time. If that’s the case, then it’s time to change things around. Refer to Steps #2 and #3 of 13 Strategies To Jumpstart Your Productivity, which talks about revamping your environment and workspace. 
  2. Create a detailed timeline with specific deadlines. Having just 1 deadline for your work is like an invitation to procrastinate. That’s because we get the impression that we have time and keep pushing everything back, until it’s too late. Break down your project (see tip #1), then create an overall timeline with specific deadlines for each small task. This way, you know you have to finish each task by a certain date. Your timelines must be robust, too – i.e. if you don’t finish this by today, it’s going to jeopardize everything else you have planned after that. This way it creates the urgency to act. My goals are broken down into monthly, weekly, right down to the daily task lists, and the list is a call to action that I must accomplish this by the specified date, else my goals will be put off.
3.                                             3    Eliminate your procrastination pit-stops. If you are procrastinating a little too much, maybe that’s because you make it easy to procrastinate. Identify your browser bookmarks that take up a lot of your time and shift them into a separate folder that is less accessible. Disable the automatic notification option in your email client. Get rid of the distractions around you. I know some people will out of the way and delete/deactivate their face book accounts. I think it’s a little drastic as addressing procrastination is more about being conscious of our actions than counteracting via self-binding methods, but if you feel that’s what’s needed, go for it.
  1. Hang out with people who inspire you to take action.  I’m pretty sure if you spend just 10 minutes talking to Steve Jobs or Bill Gates, you’ll be more inspired to act than if you spent the 10 minutes doing nothing. The people we are with influence our behaviors. Of course spending time with Steve Jobs/Bill Gates every day is probably not a feasible method, but the principle applies. Identify the people/friends/colleagues who trigger you – most likely the go-getters and hard workers – and hang out with them more often. Soon you will inculcate their drive and spirit too. As a personal development blogger, I “hang out” with inspiring personal development experts by reading their blogs and corresponding with them regularly via email/social media. It’s communication via new media and it works all the same.
  2. Get a buddy. Having a companion makes the whole process much more fun. Ideally, your buddy should be someone who has his/her own set of goals. Both of you will hold each other accountable to your goals and plans. While it’s not necessary for both of you to have the same goals, it’ll be even better if that’s the case, so you can learn from each other. I have a good friend whom I talk to regularly, and we always ask each other about our goals and progress in achieving those goals. Needless to say, it spurs us to keep taking action.
  3. Tell others about your goals. This serves the same function as #6, on a larger scale. Tell all your friends, colleagues, acquaintances and family about your projects. Now whenever you see them, they are bound to ask you about your status on those projects. For example, sometimes I announce my projects on The Personal Excellence Blog, Twitter and Facebook, and my readers will ask me about them on an ongoing basis. It’s a great way to keep myself accountable to my plans.
  4.  Stop over-complicating things. Are you waiting for a perfect time to do this? That maybe now is not the best time because of X, Y, Z reasons? Ditch that thought because there’s never a perfect time. If you keep waiting for one, you are never going to accomplish anything. Perfectionism is one of the biggest reasons for procrastination
Seek out someone who has already achieved the outcome. What is it you want to accomplish here, and who are the people who have accomplished this already? Go seek them out and FIND YOUR FOCUS


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